Contact us

Contact our Intercollegiate Office

Postal Address

19-25 College Crescent
Parkville VIC 3052

P +61 3 9349 7122

Note: During this peak college admissions period of January to February emailing our office on is the preferred and quicker avenue to receive a response to your enquiry, instead of telephone.

Office Hours

8.30am -4.30pm AEST
Monday to Friday

Contact Individual Colleges

International House

E Send us an enquiry

P +61 3 9347 6655

Janet Clarke Hall


P +61 3 9349 7100

Newman College

Ormond College

Queen’s College

St Hilda’s College

St Mary’s College

Trinity College Building

Trinity College

University College

Wilam Hall

E Send us an enquiry

P +61 3 8344 5476